Monday, 23 March 2015

Case study - how do people react to "am I pretty?"

Dear readers,


This post is about something that has concerned me over the past few days and I decided to share it with you.

There is an app for iPhones and iPads called "Tips". It has a section that they call "help out".  This section was obviously designed for people to ask questions about makeup, fashion or whatever but lately people have been using it to ask the question "am I pretty" or "which selfie?" Or "who is the prettiest?" You get the idea. I have two opinions on this 1) Yes it is a little annoying and selfish to ask about themselves but 2) we have no idea what these people are going through and maybe they just need some reassurance! So, with these two ideas I decided to do a test on the help out section in tips to see how people respond to my "am I pretty?" post.  Just to say this is completely and utterly just an experiment and I am perfectly secure about my looks and don't have any problems at all.

I decided that this was a problem because of the comments that I have seen on other people's "am i pretty" posts, many of them deleted now because so many people have said they were wrong. I will post a few below:

^^^ this has a point! Only logical response I saw!  But the same girl posts the following comment on someone else's: 

The ones I really wanted to show you have been deleted because they not nice messages.

So, here are the responses to my first post:
So I got lots of nice responses, thing is I wanted a range of responses, so, I carried out a couple more experiments.
1) I changed my question from "I'm feeling insecure at the moment etc" to "am I pretty" so that the question appeared more in-your-face, blunt and more impatient.
Unfortunately, this didn't have much effect... People just ignored the post.

2) I then decided to post some older pictures because they're really bad photos

I got some more suggestive responses such as "God made everyone beautiful in their own special way" but
all comments were kind, friendly and sweet.

So, contrary to my hypothesis, people aren't actually horrible!  

Answer to this? Don't post pictures of yourself online asking people if you're pretty because although you don't know them and they will tell you the truth, it can get irritating and sometimes the truth isn't a nice thing to hear.  Ask your friends or someone you know to tell you the honest truth, if they're true friends they will help you! As will I, comment below if you have any problems xxx

Ellie xx

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Pros and cons of getting a fringe cut in

It's one of the hardest beauty decisions you will ever make. Do you play it safe with the hair you have now? Or do you take a risk and get a fringe that could change your life for better or for worse. This is a simple guide to help you decide!
Before and after - fringe stages
No fringe

Sweeping side-fringe
Sweeping side fringe

Side fringe


- It looks so cool, you can look like Taylor Swift every day
- It will grow out if you don't like it
- It looks really cute!
- It will cover up your large forehead (seriously, its amazing)
- It looks really nice
-  People will notice a difference in how you look and compliment you on it
- It looks really pretty
- You might feel as if you've found the real you
- It looks SO cute
- Covers up any spot breakouts that you get
-It looks really pretty
- For those of you with big foreheads, it's excellent for PE because you no longer have to worry about people judging you on your suddenly obvious huge forehead that appears when you put your hair in a ponytail
- It looks really cute (Did you get that? haha!)

- It takes ages to style in the morning
- It takes about a week to figure out how to style it properly without heat
- Once it starts to grow out it's even harder to style; middle-length fringes are even worse to look after
- It can exaggerate your forehead, can show that you're trying to cover it up
- If you hate it it will take ages to grow out, it could take a whole year or more
- It makes you really hot in PE, you sweat really badly
- Above said sweat makes hair greasy, as does running your fingers through your fringe every two minutes in fear of it starting to clump; a telltale sign of greasy hair
- Previously mentioned grease makes the skin on your forehead oily, giving you the worst breakouts ever
- You have to get it cut every three weeks or it starts falling in your eyes
- Getting it cut so often costs you more money
- People will point it out if it's bad, many people don't have a concept of respect and just say what they're thinking
- This will make you extremely paranoid and you will check the mirror every three seconds
- Your hair has to look "perfect" all the time, it has to look perfectly straightened - no more roller-curly hair or messy side-partings, it has to look perfect every. single. day. This is if its a full or side fringe, a sweeping side fringe is excluded in this
- You can never decide which way to do a side ponytail/plait on: you can't do it the side with the fringe because the other side suddenly looks very bare and you can't do it the other side or your fringe sort of sticks out. If you have a full fringe you can't do a side plait at all
- It can look very dominating and harsh on your face in a ponytail
-Suddenly eyeliner can look to much so your trademark winged liner will have to go out the window!

If you still can't decide, I suggest getting a sweeping side fringe before anything to drastic to see if you like it!

Hope you enjoyed!!

Ellie xxx

Monday, 16 March 2015

Fashion favourites from pinterest

Hey! So here a few of my current favourites ! I'm currently into 90s grunge fashion - i like how it looks hard and soft at the same time, it can be colourful or dark but it's still fun and cute. Sort of like gothic version of children's clothing!  This list is not in any particular order.

This is one that I'm not entirely sure about, it isn't my favourite on my list because it's a little too punky and too much skin for my style but i do like the pattern and colours on the skirt. Infant, I love the skirt! I like the length, the fact that its high-waisted and the faded yellow colour with the horizontal and vertical stripes, which creates a sort of cross pattern.  I also really like the crop top: it's not too low cut, which eliminates any view of it being too slutty and the bright colours are just so cute! It's bold and has that childish element that i talked about earlier. The biker jacket is gorgeous! I dislike how the mainstream has brought biker jackets in because they used to be quite rare and quite cool but every one wears them all the time now, which makes me feel as if I don't want to wear mine. But it looks super cool here! It adds that edge and "I don't care" attitude that this outfit wouldn't have without it.
I. Love. This.  Every single part of this photograph I adore. I love the dungarees (i want some exactly like this!), I love how the one strap is undone, creating that grungey, perfectly unpolished look that I adore! The sunglasses are bang on trend - circular sunglasses suit my face shape as I am slightly rectangular so this trend is great for me! I like the simple black top underneath - stops outfit from being too over-the-top and the dainty, layered necklaces are really cute. The Docs; OMG the docs! I love the Dr Martins: they are lush! The colour has a sort of ombre effect, which is eyecatching and looks like a piece of art. Just gorgeous. It could do with some black frilly socks I think, to add a girly spin.
Oh my goodness. Oh my gosh. This is so dainty, vintage and simple that I just couldn't not scroll past. i adore it, I seriously do! The red is bold, bright, daring but it's paired with such a simple style that it becomes feminine and very british. I like the little buttons with the collar on the upper half: it creates a vintage look along with the frilled arms. The length adds the modern era in, it's not too short to become slutty and not too long to be frumpy. I love the small black pumps and black bag. The whole outfit is spring-like and minimalist which is two things that I could wear everyday!
I actually found this on my favourite fashion site (Melody Jacobs) and fell in love with it. I added it onto my own pinterest board, because I felt it could not be left out! I love the tweed-style waistcoat underneath the leather jacket - it's a perfect mix of my style: classic, yet grunge and a twist that you never thought of but looks hot! I love the hat - it looks gorgeous on her short hair, as do the glasses! I love the cat-eye on the sunglasses; they look really feminine. I'm not sure about the necklace; I think it could make the outfit look a bit OTT but still very cute. I like the fleece on the leather jacket: there's the twist that i was speaking of earlier. Also: gorgeous clutch! 


This one is absolutely gorgeous! I absolutely adore the Parisian feel!  I've always loved Paris street style, when i was younger i loved berets and i still have one in my room! I love the black and white, it's simple yet elegant. The collar is very cute and girly too! Reminds me of a school girl!
This one just had to come in here for several reasons:
a) The collar. Oh my goodness the collar. It's very seventies because it's big. It makes a statement.
b) The simplicity - I love how an outfit can be so different and so eye-catching with three very simple items of clothing
c) The red bag - wow! Again, very British. I like how it's a clutch. It's just gorgeous!
d) The floatyness and length of the dress.
I found this on the vintage part of pinterest! I just found this photography gorgeous; I love the bobbles on the dress and the scalloped collar, which came down to the buttons. I also like the violin - i think it's cute

So there you go!  Do you like them? What are your favourites - tell me below! xxx

Ellie xxx

Tuesday, 10 March 2015



So very recently I've been getting into an amazing app called pinterest! It's where you create your very own online "pinboard"! I use it mainly for fashion purposes, so that I can see my style evolve and change all the time! I'm currently flitting between grunge, preppy, sweet and street style! It's great for getting inspiration somewhere, from your head to the internet in the easiest way ever.  It sort of like a collection of your favourite pictures, posts or whatever all in one place! Take a scroll through mine below:

Follow Ellie Jean's board Style on Pinterest.

"How has Taylor inspired you?"

I have been a swiftie since I was nine years old. The song which started my love for taylor was a song called fifteen (which is on fearless) and I listened to it constantly because it made me brave. At that moment I was going through a really tough time at school, only about one person liked me and everyone else hated me. I fancied this boy who treated me like dirt and my so-called bestfriend was bitching about me behind my back and she copied everything I did until I wasn't me anymore. This song is about Taylor's first day in high school, about how she's nervous and she takes a deep breath, she's strong, she makes new friends and gets a nice boyfriend but realises her dreams to become who she is today. This song made me stronger. I slowly destroyed my friendship with that friend and made new friends, friends who actually cared about me.  I stood up to the bullies by standing tall and ignoring everything they were saying. 

In high school, for a long while I made new friends and I love them all with my entire heart. Taylor inspired me to start singing. I had played piano for a while, I wasn't very good at it although I didn't realise that then. I wrote songs and put them on youtube but I got so much hate for it. Soon, everyone in the school had watched my youtube videos and I got lots of people saying horrible things to me, it was "change" and "long live" that got me through this. Having that inspiration, hearing someone say "this is inst forever, one day it's going to get better" really helped me. Long live showed me what my life would be once I got through and that helped me keep pushing. 

When I was twelve, my dad bought me my first guitar. I wanted to be as amazing as Taylor and I had realised that piano was never going to be my instrument. When I came home one day, there it was. A deep blue acoustic guitar and when I picked it up and placed it on my knee I realised that nothing had EVER felt more natural. I looked up chords and I played and played and played until my fingers bled. I played every taylor swift song until I got better and better and better. It was wonderful!

Taylor swifts' quote "fearless isn't about having no fears, it's about feeling the fear and doing it anyway" really pushed me along, it made me feel stronger, it made me feel brave . It's ok to have fears, it's ok to feel like there's a thousand butterflies in your stomach, it's ok to be terrified to sing infront of the whole school but you can do it anyway" and that's what I did. It went brilliantly and I've been sing in every school concert. I became the girl who sang and played guitar.

I started up a different youtube channel, I did a lot of beauty videos and that's when I got even more hate. One of the boys at school had found it and when I got off the bus one day all of them were making fun of me "what's in your school bag today Ellie?" "How do you get the perfect eyeliner?" But not in a curious way, in a "I'm gonna take the kick out of you until you crumble" sort of way. But it was taylor swift's "mean" that kept me strong. I was always going to be better, I'm in top set, I can sing, I can play guitar I don't need to worry about what they're saying to me because I know that all they're ever going to be is mean.  However, the teasing stayed and I started to crumble, my mum kept me strong, as did my friends and so did playing my guitar and writing songs. 

I started making sing videos, and soon my youtube views started to go up. I had finally found the thing that made me happiest in life, singing, singing, playing guitar and even more singing. I realised that there is nothing on this earth that would ever stop me singing and it's Taylor that made this begin. It was Taylor who whispered song lyrics to me and made me feel like I could be someone, to never follow the crowd and to always be myself.

Her album Taylor Swift inspired me to go for my dreams and love with a perfectly good heart

Her album fearless inspired me that it's ok to be afraid, but jump and fall anyway because these things will change.

Her album speak now inspired me to say what I believe and be the better person by laying your armour down and saying you would rather love that fight

Her album red inspired me to love deeper than ever before and to appreciate everything you have before it's gone

And finally, her album 1989 inspired me to shake off the haters, to move on and most of all, she inspired me to be happy.

So that's what did.  I would not be the girl I am today without Taylor Swift.