Saturday, 28 February 2015

Tumblr Room tour + Storage

 Hey! Today I thought I would do something a bit different to my previous blogposts and it's how I store my makeup and just a room tour!

My room is a typical tumblr room (but with a bit of work needed). Tumblr rooms have become soooooo popular over the last year because they are great for small, teenage rooms as they can be messy and still look cool.  As my friend Carys said to me, it's like a den - very homely and welcoming. 

My bookcase
On my bookcase I keep a lot of beauty products and my most treasured books, the rest of my books are in a row that is underneath my bed.
Shelf one - skincare
On the top shelf of my bookcase, I store my skincare products as well as nail varnishes, deodorant etc. My nail varnishes are kept in the mint green box.  I received a Topshop necklace in this box for last years birthday and I could not bear to throw it away because it is gorgeous so decided to keep my nail varnishes in there.

Shelf two - Boxes
On my second shelf I keep my Makeup items which are large or in a bag/box e.g.: makeup brushes, Naked 3 palette, Ted Baker makeup kit and a Zoella makeup bag, which i store my large earrings in. Behind this I have a hair care bag and behind the naked 3 I have another bag with hair bows and clips in. 
Shelf 3 - books
On my third shelf of my bookcase I actually keep books. As I said earlier, these are only my favourite books, the rest are in a draw underneath my bed. These are also show books, book which people would be most impressed by and they are the most famous, for example: Girl Online, The Twilight Saga and Angus, Thongs and Full Frontal Snogging series.  I love all these books so much - I recommend them to anyone and everyone. 

 On my wall above my bed there is a quote, this is so popular with tumblr rooms that I just couldn't leave it.  I spent ages trying to find a quote which represented me.  I considered Doctor Who quotes, Taylor Swift quotes, random quotes but in the end I ended up with th only quote I could ever use. "People throw rocks at things that shine" - Taylor Swift, Ours. This quote inspires me all the time and it represents my life so well, and it's sung by my all time favourite musician, Miss Taylor swift.  To make it, I cut out gold paper into the letters and then stuck them on with blu-tack. I also included letters made out of pages form magazines, I love these letters and I just had to include them because they are so pretty.

 This photo is from my 11th birthday. It is of me and all my best friends, they are amazing!  Me and my mum made the frame out of the same gold paper that I made my quote from.
My wardrobe

At the end of my bed, I keep my wardrobe! I would show you whats inside but that seems quite private so you just get to see the outside haha! On top, i keep my heated curlers and a box which I made when I was ten in memory of my Great-Grandma, who died at the age of 104 while I was making it.  Inside this box I keep hairbands and other cute things. I also keep a few teddies, but the rest of my teddy-bears are in my stable.

Dressing Table
 On my dressing table I have a No. 7 Mirror, which has a really good light and this has been one of my best Christmas presents as it gets very dark in winter, which make sit difficult to apply makeup - this has been amazing! I also have a big mirror in the middle, which is good for checking your overall appearance. I keep my statement necklaces on this mirror - on the left i have a mint green flower necklace from Wallis, on the right a light pink leaf necklace form Topshop and in the middle a long pearl necklace. I keep my face wipes in the centre of my dressing table next to a set of hand creams. Also on my dressing table i keep my everyday, basic makeup in a transparent, plastic, miniature set of draws. These are so useful!
My room
On my ceiling, I have a photo line. These are my favourite internet invention from the past year!  I have a long line of rope that is stuck on my wall with Command decorating hooks (see below) and on them i have clipped photos of my family and my friends using washing line clips. It looks very shabby chic and it's just so cool, I love it!
My bed
 This is ,y bed, obviously. I chose the bedsheets a while ago - they are from next, they have gold leaves on and they are a very deep purple. My plan is to build up my pillow collection as i only have two currently. Above my bed are my fairy lights! They are small and sweet, we hung them up with stick on hooks. These are SO useful as they stay on forever, 100 times better than blu-tack as they don't stain the wall and come off super easy, they are also easier to hold things.
Also above my bed i have two pictures of my gorgeous dogs with handmade frames, made out of the same gold paper that i used on my wall quote. I got these photos printed for my Christmas last year using a website called Vistaprint - it's super easy and super cheap, it has amazing results. 

 At the end of my bed i keep my favourite magazines (Taylor Swift on Vogue - hello?) and a phew personal touches e.g. My tardis Series 1 Doctor Who set.  I am a huge woven and my mum bought this for me when i was about 7 - inside it has the full Series 1 of Doctor Who (of the modern era) in four different disks. Oh and did I mention? It's in the shape of the Tardis. How cool is that? Pretty cool. Next to it I keep my necklaces and other jewellery on a mannequin jewellery stand, which is GORGEOUS! My mum bought it for me from the British Home Exhibition - it's beautiful.
I actually keep this on my windowsill, but the lighting was terrible so i had to put it on my bedside cabinet. This is a wooden sign which says 'Love' on it. Very fashionable and looks very chic.  I think this is from M&Co but I'm not sure xx

I hope you enjoyed reading this, what's your room like? Do you have a Tumblr room? Tell me in the comments xxx


Saturday, 21 February 2015

My Topshop wishlist


This blog post is inspired by a post on one of my favourite blogs Rachel Coco. It is a wishlist for my favourite items from Topshop at the moment!

1) Stripe Print Tunic Dress
Costs - £42
This dress has a sixties vibe to it with a lot of the modern era. I like the colours that are threaded through the monochrome stripes. I like the abstract design with the stripes as it could be interpreted as many different things. I also like the shape - it's very sixties.  I do also like the length, it's quite short but the rest of the style takes away any element of looking tarty. I would wear this with my black denim jacket, tights and small ballet flats. I wouldn't wear any accessories as it would look over-the-top with the print on the dress.  As soon as i saw this dress i absolutely adored it, which is why it's on my wishlist.

2) Spot Print Swing Shirt
Costs - £36
I actually saw this item in the shop and i fell in love with it as soon as i saw it. I really love the colour of the spots with the green. It isn't like anything else i have in my wardrobe, it's different and it's eye-catching. I like collar (love a collar) and the length. When i saw it in the shop I thought it was a crop top but after looking online i realise it's a little bi longer than that which means it's good for spring and autumn.  I like how it's fun and sophisticated at the same time with, again, that small element of sixties fashion with the colours.

3) MOTO Bleach Short Dungarees
Costs - £38
I need a pair of dungarees really badly. I have two dungaree dresses but not any shorts. I liked this pair because they're relaxed and i like the colour. I think it would go with a lot of clothes that i have. I would like to wear them over sweet tops (like below) or over a collared shirt etc.

4) Textured Fisherman Knit Jumper
Costs - £36
I'm not too sure about this one, it's not something that i would usually buy. I like the vibrant colour - I can sort of see Taylor Swift wearing it in the 'red' era which is why it's on my wishlist. I need some jumpers to go over collared tops and I just quite like this one.

Costs - £42
I pinned these on pinterest a few months back because i just fell in love with them. I'm very into sixties and seventies fashion and these spoke to me like chocolate does. I like the shape - I've always like the shape of cigarette trousers because their not skinny but they're not flared either. They stop at sort-of 3/4 length and I just really like them. I like the colours as well - I like they grey with the red stripes. I also like their patching pair - the Stripe Tonic Print Bootcut trousers - like the way they fit.

Costs - £58
I have been after a boucle jacket for months and this is perfect. It looks modern and stylish with the pattern and zip with that old Chanel flair with the style and fit. I love the zip pockets- they give it an edge which most boucle jackets don't have.  A boucle jacket is a classic piece of clothing that belongs in every girls wardrobe and this one is just perfect for my style.

7) Dinosaur Print Skirt by The White Pepper
Costs - £40
Oh my gosh. The inner seven year old squealed with delight as soon as she saw this. I have never in my life seen a cuter skirt than this one. As cute as it is, it will also look quite sophisticated because it's not childish at all. It's a nice length and the dinosaurs are abstract. The cream colour in the back is a lot softer than white and I think this adds a nice touch.  This skirt would be amazing with my wardrobe. I would wear it with a black blazer, black shirt and some small kitten heeled pumps. It. Is. Awesome.

Like my wishlist? Please comment below and tell me what you think! Make sure to follow!


Thursday, 19 February 2015

OOTD - casual chic

This outfit is casual meets sophistication.
It includes:
- A black, 3/4 length sleeve blazer from New Look. It cost £15.
- A black, strappy vest to go undernearth...
- ... A lime-green tank top/jumper. I love this as it can be dressed up or down. Also from New Look.
- denim, patch jeans from H&M. Could be swapped for ripped jeans.
- White ankle boots from Kickers
- Round, black, 70s glasses from Primark - £1. In store currently.
- Gold hoop earrings - Claire's
- A girl-guiding badge! 

What people are saying about this on Lookbook:

I would wear this outfit up the city or into town. The jeans add that sense of a casual outing, but when you add the blazer you portray that you are sophisticated and ready for business. I love my kickers. They are bright white and shiny smooth. They are the most comfortable thing in the world and look original and stylish.  Underneath my blazer, I am wearing a lime-green jumper/tank top which I found in new look at the start of Autumn last year. I fell in love with it instantly. I like the original style of it: the bright colour, jumper without sleeves. I just found it's originality beautiful and so I had to buy it. I always think it looks very sophisticated as it's not tight fitting at all and just falls and clings where it is supposed to. Underneath this I have a black vest, merely for warmth. I adore the sunglasses - round and very seventies. They are very fashionable currently. I have never been one for trends but this is a style that I adore and I think I can make them work in my very unique wardrobe. Pinned on my blazer is a blue girl-guiding badge. I really wanted to wear my brownie badge because that's even cuter but I couldn't find it, therefore the guide badge had to be substitute.  I wear this as a part of me.  I believe an outfit is the perfect way to represent who a person is and so the guide badge shows off a bit more of who I am while looking cool at the same time!

I hope you like this outfit, comment below! Xxx

Ellie xox

Image Map

Monday, 16 February 2015

Self-confidence and how to ignore insults

Hey guys!

So today I've decided to do a blog post on steps of becoming more confident in yourself and how to get past that hurtful dig that bitch made at you.

Confidence - Confidence is something that we all struggle with wether it's our wardrobe, our makeup, our weight of whatever, everyone wants to be perfect.

Clothes - Create a pinterest board.  For such a long time now I didn't know what my style was, which made me feel like I didn't know who I was and every time I went out I would think "is this me? Maybe?" At some point in the day I would decide that it wasn't and feel self-conscious for the rest of the day.  This is never fun, wearing an outfit that you hate is the worst.  This is why I created a pinterest board - I researched different styles and pinned them to get an idea of what I liked and what I didn't. It can help you be more specific and you can see lots of different styles and try them out without actually having to spend any money. It's brilliant! Since then I have discovered that I am not one thing or another I am divergent (lol). Mostly, my style is very classic - simple and basic items like pearls and white shirts with a tan leather bag and kitten heels and a floppy hat - you get the idea, but sometimes I like to add an element of grunge, e.g. Dungarees or a dark berry lipstick and sometimes I will be sweet: add a Peter Pan collar, a skater skirt or pink Chanel pumps.  I love to mix it up! Any of these things might not be you but try them out - if you decide you hate the look don't throw anything out, just wear it with something else and you might fall in love.

Another way to help a bad outfit is to wear it confidently. Sometimes it's not even a bad outfit, it's a good outfit, but it's bold and outrageous, not something you would usually wear. This is ok, it's good to try something new. Stand tall and straight with a big smile on your face, just act like normal. Slouching and worrying will draw attention to you and people will think something is wrong with how you look. No one probably even notice that you've tried something new - they're too wrapped up in themselves most of the time!

Makeup - Oh dear. Your eyeliner just won't go right. THEYRE NOT GOING EVEN! It's ok, don't stress, relax. That's it. Now get a cotton bud or a makeup wipe and start again. Don't try to fix it because it will most probably go even worse than it already was, choose a direction for the eyeliner to go and focus. If focusing doesn't work do the opposite, just do whatever the hell you want and it will look okay! If you don't have time to make it perfect, just remove the wings and get out of the house. What I always do at school if I know I'm not feeling confident about how I look I just don't look in the mirror. If I see a window, or glass or even an actual mirror I just walk past it and forget it. Trust me, it helps. You might not look any better but you will feel it. As soon as you get out of the house there is nothing you can do so stop worrying and get on with the day.

Perhaps you've worn a more exiting makeup look than usual! My favourite thing to do! As with clothes, you may not like everything but you need to try it out! I don't wear red lipstick because it washes out my face and makes me look five years old. I always get so jealous when I see girls who can pull off the red lip but I can't and that's ok. Don't try to force something that doesn't suit you, accept it and move on.  Something that does suit me is a berry lipstick - this always looks so nice on me! It's just trying different things out! 

Weight - 
If you are happy being slightly bigger than average then flaunt it girl - look at Meghan Trainer! She's hot and she's proud of her weight! Be proud of who you are and wear clothes that suit you! No one on this earth is perfect (except maybe Taylor Swift). Don't go on a diet unless your family supports it, unless your friends support it. If your family says it's not okay then it's not okay, but if they are helping you and supporting you it's the right thing to do. Scales are not the be all and end all - check your BMI. Your BMI should be from around 18-23. Any higher or lower than that and you've got a problem. You can be ten stone and still as flat as a pancake, it depends on your height and your bones. Do things that make you happy about your weight, doing small amounts of exercise, even if you're very thin, will always make you feel better. 
Anyone ever tell you that you're too skinny? Ignore them or eat them. Some people are naturally really really slim and some hate it. Don't say things like "oh you're so skinny, you're too skinny, most people would wish to be as skinny as you" because it's not nice. Skinny is a horrible word just like fat. Think about what you say and if it's going to hurt them. As for people who are naturally very slim, embrace it. Be proud of having a perfect flat stomach - it's gorgeous!  You are beautiful no matter what your size!
Confidence is what makes someone look beautiful,  wear a smile and the right clothes and your off!

General - 
If you like what you are wearing, wether it be a new lipstick or you've tried eyeliner for the first time or you're wearing a big fluffy coat,  don't worry about what people will think when they look at you. I always get so scared of seeing someone I know outside of school in case they judge me for what I'm wearing because I'm not afraid of being myself. I love wearing something that feels completely and utterly ME and no one else should be able to change that.  Be proud of being different to everyone else. I never ever follow trends just because everyone else is (rotten egg green thick coats with fluffy hoods - why?!?) .  Be yourself and just love it. There will always be someone prettier, thinner and always someone with "better" clothes but they will never ever be you.  If you're worried about no boy liking you? Don't. If a boy doesn't like you for being you then he isn't worth the trouble. 

Complimenting others always makes me feel really great. I don't know how this works but by telling someone else they are beautiful, I feel ten times better about myself.  Don't focus on how you look, focus on how you act. If you act like a kind person people will respect you and start to see a prettier you that heave never seen before. Tell your crush you like his school bag - go on, I dare you. It works the same with guys as it does with girls, getting complimented is nice and so is complimenting. Seeing someone smile and blush because you've told them they look pretty is the nicest feeling ever, having someone say thankyou to me is so nice. Be a better person and you will feel more confident in who you are.  People are so obsessed with how they look they forget that they are lovely and kind and smart.  Always focus on the positives. 

Maybe you just think you're ugly.  To someone out their, you are the most beautiful girl in the world. When you're in school all boys go for the same girl - gorgeous, slutty, slightly thick, thin and girly. This will change. As soon as you leave school, boys start to look for the girls who are different and have something that no one else has, for someone who will stick with them forever. This is the girl you need to be.  You will mature, sometimes I feel as if I look really childish but that's because I am 13. When I'm 18 I will be older and an adult and this is something you should always remember.

How to deal with things that hurt you
This is the worst. Having some bitch say some snide comment as you walk past in school or that cocky boy who things he's gods gift who always pushes past you or laughs at you. I get it all the time and having that has made me almost immune to it. Here are my tips to overcoming pain.

Laugh it off - just smile and nod. Say 'yup. I know I'm a crappy singer. I don't actually care, I love it." Never ever insult them back.  

Be nice - nothing will piss off a bully more than someone who is genuinely just really lovely. If you don't give them am excuse to hate you them why would they? Compliment them on their new bag or their eyeliner today. Trust me, it works wonders. 

Set them straight - say "you know that's a really horrible thing to say" "That hurt my feelings" "How would you feel if someone said that you" This will make them realise they're being horrible and hopefully change for the better.

Ignore it - When I say this I don't mean ignore them, this is NEVER the way. If they're insulting you don't pretend you can't hear, always respond (in the correct manner, see above) or they will think you are scared and then carry on. What I mean is to ignore the insult. I was told recently by one of my guy friends that my sunglasses were way too big for me and this actually really hurt my feelings, but the way that I overcame this was to think "so what? I like them! Why should it matter if someone else thinks they're too big for my face - I love them!" This is a good way to think positively and you know what? I believe it.  Perhaps he was right - maybe they are too big for me? Maybe I should stop wearing them? This is a personal judgement and it depends on the scenario and the person. Choose wisely.  
If someone who doesn't like you insults you, they are doing it because they don't like you. Period. You are not what they say and so push it to the back of your mind and laugh it off. Laugh at how stupid they are to think they can hurt you. Never change because someone tells you that you should.

Use a diary - I have a diary that I write my innermost thoughts in, my diary is quite depressing because I have no need to write happy things in there, I just enjoy them. I use my diary to express the things that are bothering me and I can't tell anyone else. I can tell my mum everything of course because she is my best friend, but if there is ever a time when I need some me time to rage and rant, I write in my diary. Writing down your emotions can help you discover what they are. Sometimes I get confused over what I feel but writing it down can help me realise. It can help with making decisions, self-confidence and life choices. Sorting it out into words can really clear your mind and put you at ease.

I really hope this helped! If there is anything more you would like to know, comment below. I will always help and never ignore a comment!

Some good quotes
"Never let anyone make you feel like you don't deserve what you want" - 10 things I hate about you
"Don't you worry your pretty little mind, people throw rocks at things that shine" - Taylor Swift, Ours
"Some day I'll be living in a big old city and all your ever gonna be is mean" - Taylor Swift, Mean
"If people are trying to bring you down, it only means that you are above them"

Ellie xox